Culture, Cultures, and Canadian Culture


Examines why a cultural age is needed at this time, what the main characteristics of a cultural age would be, and the key role that the arts and cultural community, governments, and citizens can play in bringing this age into existance.

The Case For Culture

Examines the historical and contemporary case for culture and contends that the future case should be based on a holistic perception of culture and making culture the centrepiece of global development and human affairs.

Living a Cultural Life

Describes the most important experiences Paul Schafer has had over the years in his quest to live a cultural life.

Creating a World System Conducive to the Flourishing of Culture and Spirituality

Explains why a new world system is needed that is rooted in nature and places the priority on the natual environment, people, caring, sharing, and a new perception of the human personality based on citizens' responsibilities as well as rights.

The Cultural Imperative  (The Role of Culture in the World of the Future)

Examines the historical evolution and contemporary character of culture as an idea and shows how culture possesses qualities and capabilities that are of crucial importance to the world of the future.

Culture: Beacon of the Future

Examines the changing cultural landscape and makes the case for the centrality of culture as the new global paradigm.

Towards a New World System: A Cultural Perspective

Views the world system from a cultural perspective and examines the foundations and priorities that are necessary to make a cultural world system a reality in the future.

The New Politics: Government and Governance in the Twenty-first Century

Analyses the present economics-based system of politics and makes the case that a culture-based system of politics is needed to deal with the environmental crisis, global warming, unequal distributions of income and wealth, racism, fundamentalism, and terrorism.

A Cultural Model of Development

Makes the case that a cultural model of development is needed to address the world's most pressing problems and shows how this is possible through the development of culture and cultures in breath and depth and situating culture and cultures effectively in the natural, historical and global environment.

Diversity and Sustainable Development: Contemporary Concerns or Permanent Realities?

Assesses the need for diversity and sustainable development, the role of the cultural community, the centrality of culture and cultures, a cultural model of development, new meanings and measures of wealth, and the necessity of cultural education.

Culture and Cultures: Key Learning Requirements for the Future

Examines the need to learn about culture and cultures, changes in culture and cultures, and the role of the new learning communities.

Municipalities and Regions: Powerful Forces in a Dynamic World

Focuses on communities, municipalities and regions, the present state of municipal and regional development, municipalities and regions as cultures and works of art, the culturescape process, and the administration of culture at the community and regional level.

The Cultural Personality

Examines the context, concept, characteristics, cultivation and conduct of a new prototype of the human personality called "the cultural personality."

Feasting on Cultures to Solve Our Problems and Enrich Our Lives

Analyses how drawing on one's own culture and other cultures in the world can be helpful in overcoming crucial problems in life and enriching one's quality of life and overall well-being.

The Future of Culture

Assesses what is needed to realize culture's full potential and its ability to make a powerful contribution to the world of the future. This includes adopting a comprehensive understanding of culture and cultures, coalescing the cultural community into a cohesive and united force, utilizing a cultural model of development in government and the decision-making process, and achieving a breakthrough in cultural education.

Horticulture and Human Culture

Examines some of the similarities between horticulture and human culture and makes the case that there is a great deal to be leaned from horticulture that is relevant to the development of human culture and strengthening the bond between human beings and the natural environment.

Culture and Customs of Canada

Provides a general overview of Canadian culture and then proceeds to examine Canadian culture from the standpoint of food and cuisine, housing and architecture, clothing and fashion, the performing, exhibiting, media and literary arts, leisure and recreation, festivals, fairs and holidays, religion and religious practices, gender, families and marriage, and social customs and lifestyles.

The Arts, Arts Education, and Arts Policy

The Arts: Key to a Full and Fulfilling Cultural Life

The arts have a fundamental role to play at all stages in the life process, from the earliest signs of life to the final years of life.

Foundations For Life   (How an Education in the Arts Can Transform Your Entire Life)

Shows how an education in the arts in youth can provide people with all the equipment they need to live a fulfilling, happy, creative, and meaningful life.

The Future of Arts Education

Makes the case that arts education in the future should be broadened, deepened, diversified, and intensified.

The role of Music in the Development of Our Personalities and Lives

Makes the case that music has a unique role to play in our lives and examines the many different ways and types of music that do this.

The Arts and Cities

Examines the vital role the arts play in the development of creative cities in terms of artistic fulfillment, aesthetic beautification, social cohesion, economic impact, environmental sustainability, convergent capabilities, clustering and triggering effects, the creation of cultural corridors, ambiance, urban revitalization, and a "sense of place."

The Arts, Culture, and Life

Makes the case that the arts are the key to culture and culture is the key to life, and explores the role the arts and culture play in the development of the whole person.

The Arts in Turbulent Times

Assesses the crucial role the arts can play in turbulent times by cooling communities and societies down rather than heating them up, establishing friendly relations between people and different ethnic groups, stabilizing economic, political and military developments, eradicating fear and suspicion, and acting as a window on cultures and civilizations.

The Value of an Education in the Arts

Examines the value of an education in the arts in such areas as music, the visual arts, and singing in a choir.

Arguments for the Arts

Provides a compendium of the most powerful social, environmental, economic, political, educational, and human arguments for the arts.

A Framework for Developing an Arts Education Policy

Examines how an arts education policy can be developed through a four-stage process: prerequisites to the development of the policy (making the present policy explicit, researching other policies, practices, and beliefs, scope, context and terms of reference, and establishment of a critical path); development of the policy itself (ideals and principles, outcomes, objectives and priorities, strategies and tactics); approval and implementation of the policy; and evaluation of the policy.