Culturelink, the Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development, was established by UNESCO and the Council of Europe in 1989 in Paris, and is hosted at the Institute for International Relations (IMO) in Zagreb, Croatia, with a view to strengthening the communication between networks, institutions and professionals in the field of culture, encouraging the exchange of cultural information, ideas and knowledge, and furthering the development of research cooperation. The long-term objective is the development of a world-wide information system for the study of cultural development and cooperation, stimulating the awareness of the strategic importance of considering the cultural dimension of development. To this end, the Network collects, processes and disseminates information on new concepts, research challenges, trends, experiences and practice in the fields of cultural life and policies, cultural identity and intercultural communication, and cultural management. Aiming to develop appropriate means of communication and speed up the flow of information, Culturelink set up its WWW Resource Centre as early as 1996, updated and expanded regularly to serve as rich resource centre for all of its over 1000 member networks, research institutions, universities, arts organizations, cultural foundations and professionals from over 100 countries worldwide. In addition to research, documentation and publishing activities, Culturelink develops databases in the field of culture.
For more information: www.culturelink.org
- CREATIVE CITY NETWORK OF CANADA - Transforming communities through culture
The Creative City Network of Canada/Réseau des villes créatives du Canada is a national non-profit organization that operates as a knowledge-sharing, research, public education, and professional development resource in the field of municipal cultural policy, planning and practice.
Through its work, the Creative City Network helps build the capacity of municipal cultural planning professionals - and by extension their municipalities - to nurture and support cultural development in their communities. By doing so, the Network aims to improve the operating climate and conditions for artists and arts and cultural organizations across the country, and the quality of life in Canadian communities of all sizes.
The members of the Creative City Network are municipalities across Canada. More information is available at www.creativecity.ca
The Centre of Expertise on Culture and Communities is a cultural
research and development centre at Simon Fraser University,
Vancouver. Advised by a national multidisciplinary team including
leading scholars, policy researchers, and cultural organizations, the
CECC brings together academia, policy, and practice in the following
four areas: (1) The state of cultural infrastructure in Canadian
cities and communities; (2) Culture as the fourth pillar of community
sustainability; (3) Culture in communities: Cultural systems and
local planning; and (4) The impacts of cultural infrastructure and
activity in cities and communities. The Centre holds prominent
affiliations within an international range of cultural systems and
For more information:
CECC website: www.cultureandcommunities.ca
International Symposium "Creative Construct: Building for Culture and
Creativity" (April 29-May 1, 2008, Ottawa): www.symposium2008.ca
- CULTURE MONTRÉAL - What is Culture Montréal?
A growing movement of ideas whose main mission is to assert the central role of the arts and culture in all areas of Montréal's development: economy, business, politics, land-use planning, education, and social and community life.
An independent organization and place for reflection and action that contributes to building Montréal's future as a cultural metropolis, through research, analysis and communications activities.
Culture Montréal ever-expanding membership includes hundreds of people from all walks of life: emerging and established artists working in a range of practices; professionals from the heritage and design sectors; and representatives of cultural organizations, public administrations and the private sector. Increasingly, its members reflect the city's cultural diversity. Culture Montréal members benefit from a critical perspective on the major issues in local, national and international cultural policy.
Culture Montréal plays an advisory role on culture to the municipal administration, governments, private sector and certain cultural organizations.
For more information: www.culturemontreal.ca
- THE GREATER VANCOUVER ALLIANCE FOR ARTS AND CULTURE - In 1986, Greater Vancouver's cultural community created the Alliance for Arts and Culture in order to provide a strong, unified voice for the local cultural sector and a vehicle for collective action. Today, this coalition numbers more than 330 arts organizations and individuals and leads Greater Vancouver's arts and culture community by advocating for the sector, facilitating connections within and beyond the arts and providing information to and about the cultural community.
The activities of the Alliance focus on three areas: advocacy, service and connection. Within these areas, we provide numerous programs and services for both members and non-members including: monitoring, identifying and synthesizing public policy and cultural issues; representing the interests of the arts with business, government and media; leading advocacy efforts of Greater Vancouver's arts and culture community; providing access to free summary legal advice through an Artists' Legal Outreach program; providing members with access to an extended health benefits program; offering advocacy and arts management resources through our website and in-house reference library; hosting professional development workshops; providing avenues for events listing, job postings and member-to-member communications; offering meeting space for reduced rental rates and creating partnerships for members to receive discounts with various service and product suppliers.
For more information visit www.allianceforarts.com